3 Quotes & Sayings By Singh Rajiv

I have been working as a full-time writer since 1980. I have written more than 100 books for children. I have had 16 books adapted for movies and televisions. My first book was published in 2005, but I have been writing since 1980 Read more

I have never stopped writing even during my doctoral studies, which took me to Texas, Germany, England and finally to India. I am an author of the Hindi version of the popular book ‘I love you’ by Dr Azim Premji, which is about love and loss. It is a book that youngsters can relate to and it has been awarded the prestigious Uday Shankar Award (Chandigarh) for best children’s book of the year.

Unlike world I don't judge the people from their first impression. Singh Rajiv
Unlike world I use my notebook from both side. Singh Rajiv